1 Minute To More Abundance

 “When you find a thought of something wanted and hold that purely by imagining it, pretending it, remembering something like it, using it, when you hold that thought for as little as 17 seconds, another thought of the same vibrational equivalent, because of law of attraction, joins it.

And when those two thoughts come together there is an explosion of energy.

So in order to give you an idea of the power of the thought, we would say to you that when that first 17 seconds joins, that there is an energy extension that is equivalent to about 2000 action hours.

That’s huge!

When you cross the next 17 second mark, the expression of energy is 10 times the first…68 seconds of pure thought has huge action consequences.”   Abraham Hicks  ❤️    

Check out this powerful 1 minute video below from our favourite law of attraction teachers on how to enhance your abundance point of attraction.

Remember, all you have to do is say simple statements like these to yourself for just 68 seconds ( ok that’s a little over a minute lol ) to get the momentum of manifestation underway.

It’s ease.

It’s fun.

It’s full.

It’s who I am.

I feel invincible, and complete, and sure, and eager.

Imagine the power of this if you could remember to check in and do this for 68 seconds a few times a day.

Why not get started now 

P.S. Did you know that Abundance, Prosperity , yes …. Money has a vibration ?

And that you, whether you realise it or not, have a vibration about Money ?

When our money vibration is low … money is repelled away.

If your money vibration is high … money flows into your life easily in abundance.

This is why some people have more money and opportunities than they can keep up with.

Money has a vibration. And you have a vibration ABOUT money.

These are connected like a water hose between your subconscious mind and the flow of money.

If the water hose is kinked or blocked, money will only trickle into your life.

But if the hose is straight, like water, money will flow with speed and power.

And the good news is that you can change your money vibration set-point to high you change the flow of money into your life.

Raise your money vibration, increase the flow of money into your life.

Check out the video below from our friend Croix Sather on how to discover what your Money Vibration Set-Point is and more importantly …… how to raise it !

You may remember Croix from the news, he is the only person in the world to run 100 marathons plus give 100 keynote speeches in the same 100 consecutive days and he is certainly one of the world’s foremost experts in how to align the emotional , mental and vibrational components of success.

Check out the video here.




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