Appreciation is The Ultimate “Giving Back”

“Appreciation and love, and alignment to that which is Source, is the ultimate “giving back,” so to speak, for in your pain or struggle, you have nothing to give back.

What you are living is always an exact replication of your vibrational patterns of thought.

Nothing could be more fair than life as you are living it, for as you are thinking, you are vibrating, and as you are vibrating, you are attracting—and so you are always getting back the essence of what you are giving.” – Abraham Hicks  🙏 🌏 ❤️


Sometimes, especially when so many people are experiencing tough times, it’s common for us to feel guilty about desiring things.

Like we shouldn’t ask for too much.

As if it would take away from others.

But if there’s one thing we’ve learned from our law of attraction journey it’s that resources expand to match desires.

Not the other way round.

If you’d like to learn how to get clear about how to ask the Universe for what you want check out this video from our friends at The Amazing You.


Watch the video here ✅




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