There Is Enough

“There is enough abundance for EVERYONE! It’s a big enough place – we’re not just talking about the Universe – we’re talking about life experience on Planet Earth. It’s big enough for everybody to get what they want without stepping on anybody else’s toes. You don’t know that (we love you so much) because you’ve … Read more

Get To Work

“Your work is to laugh more, and play more, and cruise more, and bask more, and meditate more. Your work is to go to the beach more, dangle your feet in the bay more. Your work is to do the things that soothe you into alignment more. You’ve done the work that has put it … Read more

The Bridge

“Now here’s the bridge to help you in getting from thoughts about “there’s not enough” to getting to a more abundant state of mind. There has not been enough. That has been my experience. But that was before I understood what I understand now. Now I know that there IS enough, for I see it … Read more

Tap Into Your Genius

“Genius. It is just attention to something specific. That’s all it is. Law of Attraction makes it happen, and so anyone who gives attention to any subject for a period of time will evolve in the direction of that understanding. Enlightenment means literally aligning to the energy of my source. And genius is only about … Read more

Your Power Is Now

“Your power of manifesting is in the now. All of your power is in the now, and in the now you can think about the past or you can imagine about the future, but you’re doing it all now. Choose what feels good and PRACTICE that until you OWN it Until you ARE it. And … Read more

1 Minute To More Abundance

 “When you find a thought of something wanted and hold that purely by imagining it, pretending it, remembering something like it, using it, when you hold that thought for as little as 17 seconds, another thought of the same vibrational equivalent, because of law of attraction, joins it. And when those two thoughts come together … Read more

Reset Yourself

“Strong situations cause stronger asking. And stronger asking brings in stronger non-physical resources. If we were standing in your physical shoes we would do what water does when it seeks it’s level. Water will always find it’s path of least resistance. You’ve got to reset yourself. You’ve got to reset yourself so that something can … Read more

The Amazing You

“We want you to remember and, maybe, re-discover the very important role you play, in this leading-edge-translation-of all-that-is!!! YOU are a living, breathing extension of that, and ALL of that is flowing to you, for the fulfillment of that ! Source and you are ONE AND THE SAME! And if it where not for the … Read more

Watch Magic Follow You

“There is a leverage in aligned energy that defies any leverage you’ve ever discovered through action. When you take the time to get into the vortex you smooth out the bumps in your experience that you spend a lot of time stepping over. There is so much leverage in alignment. And when you discover that … Read more