How a radio repairman from Texas changed the world

Back in 1964, in the sleepy town of Laredo, Texas, an engineer named Jose Silva ran a radio repair shop.

But aside from his career, he also had a keen interest in hypnosis and the human mind – and he spent most of his nights studying the works of visionaries like Freud, Jung and Adler.

Silva’s life changed when he stumbled on a question.

Through his work, he was aware of Ohm’s Law – which states that when you reduce the resistance in a wire, more electricity can flow through it.

This led him to wonder…

Does the human mind have ‘resistance’? And “what would happen if you could reduce it? 

Decades before Silva’s research, scientists had already discovered what is known as the Alpha and Theta levels of mind: a state typically experienced during sleep or meditation, where the brainwaves slow down and the mind enters a state of deep relaxation.

Silva believed that these heightened states of consciousness held the keys to the evolution of mankind.

And so he began creating specific mind tools and exercises that would allow a person to enter the Alpha and Theta levels while awake – and tap into hidden reservoirs of intuition, creativity and healing.

At first, Silva used his techniques – which he called ‘The Silva Method’ – to help his children improve their grades, boost their intuition, creativity and IQ, and sharpen their memory.

Word spread fast, Silva’s techniques continued to evolve, and within months he was training people in his community, then across the country, and eventually across the world.

Today, over 5 decades later, The Silva Method is used by over 6 million people in 110 countries – and now you can experience what it can do for you FOR FREE.


Download your Free Silva Method Starter Kit here.

No prior experience is necessary.

Everything in this kit, including the world-famous Centering Exercise, creativity-boosting guided meditations and fascinating insights into the art of creative visualization, is designed to benefit anyone from any level.

Since its release in May 2004, this kit has been accessed by over 752,128 across the world.

It’s by far the most popular introduction to the world of The Silva Method—and also the most comprehensive.

So if you’re curious to find out exactly what The Silva Method can do for your life, we highly recommend you give it a try.

Just sign up here, follow the simple instructions, and prepare to make the rest of your life, the best of your life!


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