Joy IS Success

When something hasn’t manifested, it doesn’t mean that it can’t!

You are not miles away from what you want!

And you are not years, or hours, or months or weeks or days away, from what you want!

You’re only vibrations away, from what you want!

We just want you to understand, that the success that you´re looking for is the joy.

And when you put that in the perspective of what you most want- and then, you show yourself that you can accomplish it in THIS moment, and in THIS moment and in THIS moment, REGARDLESS OF ANYTHING THAT´S GOING ON …. THEN YOU´VE GOT IT.

In other words, when you put this joy factor FIRST, and you show yourself how you can UNCONDITIONALLY achieve it ….

Now you got it.

Now anything and everything that you´ve been picking up along your physical trail will flow easily into your experience…..for the ENHANCEMENT of that joy.”  Abraham Hicks   🌏  ❤️ 💫  🙏 

Have you  checked out the video from our friend Dave Sanderson at Ultra Manifestation yet ?

Dave will show you the 60 second Ultra Manifestation Process that will kick start the alignment of your subconscious with the most powerful hidden law of the universe…

It might just change the way you look at the law of attraction, personal development and manifestation forever….

Click here to watch the video.




*Image by Martin Kraut on Pixabay*

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