“This is always true……”What I think and how I feel, and what manifests, is always a vibrational match.”
But here’s the big kicker….
What manifests isn’t manifesting instantaneously.
So, you’ve got all this buffer of time leeway that makes you sloppy.
If you thought a negative thought and a brick would instantly fall on your head every time, you’d clean up your thinking.
But you’re not here to be punished about your thinking.
You’re here to use your thinking and your focus to create.” – Abraham Hicks 🌏 ❤️ 💫 🙏
“What do I need to know that I don’t know yet?”
One very simple question but a question that has the power to change your whole life.
This was the question that our friend and law of attraction & manifestation coach and mentor Allanah Hunt asked herself that helped her unlock her inner manifestation potential and allowed her to help thousands of people all over the world to do the same with her 1-on-1 sessions and through speaking on stages all over the world.
And she’s bundled all of her knowledge on the inner workings of manifestation together in a cheap and easy to access online course so that can anyone can do the same from the comfort of their own home.
Check out how you can unlock your own inner manifestation potential here.