Have You Ever Wondered Why Most Highly Successful People Visualize Their Success In Advance….And Even The Obstacles That May Get In Their Way ?
“The Secret’s” John Assaraf shares the latest brain science research that shows how, with just 3-5 minutes a day of focus and visualization, we can get our creative cells working for us to impress whatever goal or outcome we want to achieve in the non-conscious part of our brain.
Remember, “The neurons that fire together will wire together !”
Join John On The “Brain-A-Thon”
Here’s what you’ll learn on Saturday’s Brain-A-Thon :
- The New Brain Science Of Wealth and Income acceleration. (how your brain keeps you stuck and what to do to quickly get unstuck).
- How to turn on your “brain plasticity switch” to eliminate disempowering habits or negative thoughts and emotions.
- Dr. Srini Pillay from Harvard discusses how to eliminate your self-doubt, fears and excuses forever!
- John shares How to “Prime Your Brain” for Financial Success- this will blow you away.
- Dr David Krueger will show you how to change your hidden subconscious money story, so you can double or triple your income in the next 12 months.
- How to Eliminate Stress and Worries about Money (with an amazing surprise guest).
- Bestselling Author Sharon Pearson shares how she went from being suicidal to making $10 Million a Year. She also has a special message for anyone struggling with self-worth and an inner critic that keeps you playing small.
- Plus so much more…….
Click here to get your free ticket for this incredible event – it’s happening this Saturday!
*Image by pixel2013 on Pixabay*
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