Why take the Path of Least Resistance ?
Because it’s the only choice you have.
Your Inner Being knows what is the Path of Least Resistance so you’ve got to give yourself yourself permission to take that Path of Least Resistance and most of you don’t want to do that because then you define yourself as lazy or inappropriate or unfocused or unwilling and that’s just not the case.
Lets say it in this way.
Path of Least Resistance is the way the entire universe operates.
Path of Least Resistance is the only way that things operate in a natural way.
Path of Least Resistance is the only way, the only sustainable way for energy to flow.
Path of Least Resistance is a good thing because Path of Least Resistance and path of most allowance are the same thing.
So am I inappropriate that I don’t feel like doing all of those things right now ?
Certainly not.
There’s resistance that’s keeping me from wanting to do them.
And so it’s releasing that resistance that is necessary right now.”
– Abraham Hicks ❤️
Check out the powerful video below from our favourite law of attraction teachers “Overwhelmed ? After This Resistance Will Vanish.” ✅
P.S. Have you checked out the video from our friend Croix Sather at Instant Manifestation ?
You may remember Croix from the news, he is the only person in the world to run 100 marathons plus give 100 keynote speeches in the same 100 consecutive days.
And he credits all of his success to learning how to tap into The Universal Vibrational Mind.
As Croix says “ The Vibrational Mind is what bridges you to Universal Consciousness.
It is where the real magic happens.
If the conscious mind is the top of the iceberg, and the SUB-conscious mind is the iceberg below the water, then the water is the Vibrational Mind.
This is what bridges you to everything, the universal connection and consciousness.”
In this video Croix will show you how to access the Vibrational Mind and how to align all three levels to, as he says “Turn your mind into an instant manifestation magnet.”
*Image by 23001799 on Pixabay*