“It´s not your jump to make.
You do the honing.
Exposure to life will let you know how you did.
If you didn´t do well, DON´T TRY TO JUMP.
Just go after it, again.
Life will show you how you did- just go after it, again.
Life will show you how you did.
You can meditate yourself into riches.
You can meditate yourself into fame and fortune.
You can meditate yourself into ANYTHING,
by slowing the resistance and just finding the place.
Don´t worry, you can´t stay there!
Your Vortex is so full of all you want,
and the source within you knows the path between where you are,
in terms of ALL your manifestations, and where you want to be-
so IF YOU created the right environment,
the path will reveal itself to you.”
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