The Power of Meditation

“Meditation is the closest process to quantum-leaping that we know.

Quieting your mind quiets your resistance.Quiets your thoughts, quiets resistance.

And it puts you in sync with who you really are!

Deep breathing is a BIG part of your WELL-BEING.
It is the current that carries the vitality to the cells.
And so, the MORE you are breathing, the MORE you are THRIVING.

As you focus upon your breathing and the music and words of a meditation recording, you will deactivate your usual resistance to abundance, and you will discover the satisfying feeling of positive expectation and success. And then, the manifestation of that success must come to you. It is Law!” – Abraham Hicks


We’ve all heard about the power of meditation.

People like Oprah, Jerry Seinfeld, Russell Simmons, Ellen De Generes and Russell Brand all say it is THE absolutely most vital part of their day.

But if we’re honest, for something so simple and easy as taking a few minutes to quiet our mind and focusing on our breathing……..

Meditation can often be pretty TOUGH.

Trying to quieten a chatty mind and restless body can be hard work.

We also think that we need to spend hours per day cross legged like a zen-monk to get the benefits.

But still, we all know that we should be meditating more.

Well, there’s a solution…

Something that automatically calms your mind and body, and gives you a powerful one-hour meditation session — all in just 12 minutes.

The results are instant too. This technique dissolves stress and anxiety immediately. It stimulates focus, creativity, and more energy and happiness, while you listen.

We really think you’re gonna love this.

In just 12 minutes, you’ll experience greater relaxation, powerful stress and anxiety relief, increased happiness levels, and you’ll put yourself in ‘The Zone’ for the rest of the day.

Download it for free here



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