Lisa Nichols is one of the world’s most-requested motivational speakers, as well as media personality and corporate CEO whose global platform has reached and served nearly 30 million people.
From a struggling single mom on public assistance to a millionaire entrepreneur, Lisa has become a multiple time bestselling author and appeared on shows like Oprah and the Today Show. Her company, Motivating the Masses, was one of the first self-development companies to go public.
In this fascinating quick video she talks about what are you willing to do ?
Lisa has teamed up with author of “Conscious Engineering” Vishen Lakhiani to offer this powerful FREE Guide to Creative Visualization containing everything you need to know to start visualising effortlessly and awaken your hidden manifesting powers.
This Guide will help you understand the science behind Creative Visualization, and through a series of step-by-step processes, you’ll learn how to apply it into your life so you can begin experiencing that abundant-rich lifestyle you’ve always desired.
Regardless of your current experience in Creative Visualization, this 9-part course has been designed to benefit anyone from any level.
Lisa’s 9 part guide on creative visualization includes :
Lesson 1: Scientific Evidence of Creative Visualization
Lesson 2: Avoid “Realism”
Lesson 3: The Advanced Practice of Creative Visualization
Lesson 4: Don’t Feel Guilty for What You Want
Lesson 5: You Must Know What You Want
Lesson 6: Seek Balance in Your Desires
Lesson 7: Stay in the Flow State (and Be Consistently Happy!)
Lesson 8: The Expectancy Effect
Lesson 9: Preserve What You’ve Got
Claim your free course on Creative Visualisation here.