Lisa Nichols, world famous author, motivational speaker and law of attraction teacher featured on “The Secret.”
Lisa came from humble beginnings as a single mother on public assistance from South Central Los Angeles, to influencing millions through her books, seminars and programs as the CEO of her company Motivating the Masses.
She is a best-selling author of 6 books and one of the most sought-after transformational speakers in world whose entertaining and honest teaching style has reached and served millions across the globe
Lisa teaches people how to master accomplishing unfathomable goals and to tap their limitless potential.
Her featured teacher role in the law of attraction phenomenon, The Secret catapulted her popularity across the globe. Lisa has appeared on the “Oprah Winfrey Show,” “Extra,” “Larry King Live” and starred on NBC’s Emmy Award-winning show, “Starting Over.”
Here is a fantastic video introduction to Lisa.
And here is Lisa with the other teachers from The Secret on the Oprah show “Discovering The Secret.”
Lisa Nichols Coaching
Lisa has teamed up with author of “Conscious Engineering” Vishen Lakhiani to offer this powerful FREE Guide to Creative Visualization containing everything you need to know to start visualising effortlessly and awaken your hidden manifesting powers.
Lisa’s 9 part guide on creative visualization includes :
Lesson 1: Scientific Evidence of Creative Visualization
Lesson 2: Avoid “Realism”
Lesson 3: The Advanced Practice of Creative Visualization
Lesson 4: Don’t Feel Guilty for What You Want
Lesson 5: You Must Know What You Want
Lesson 6: Seek Balance in Your Desires
Lesson 7: Stay in the Flow State (and Be Consistently Happy!)
Lesson 8: The Expectancy Effect
Lesson 9: Preserve What You’ve Got
Claim your free course on Creative Visualisation here.
Coined “The Breakthrough Specialist” by her peers in the industry, Lisa’s powerful message of empowerment, service, gratitude and excellence has been delivered via workshops and programs which have impacted the lives of millions of adults, touched the lives of 211,6500 teens, prevented over 3,800 teen suicides, supported 2,500 drop outs in returning back to school and helped thousands reunite with families through her non-profit foundation, Motivating the Teen Spirit.
“You’ve come to this juncture in your life, merely because something in you kept saying, ‘You deserve to be happy.’ You were born to add something, to add value to this world, to simply be the best that you can be. Every single thing you’ve been through, every single moment that you’ve come through, were to all prepare you for this moment right now.
Now you get that you are the creator of your destiny. Imagine what you can do from this day forward, with what you now know. What will you do with the moment? How will you seize the moment? No-one else can dance your dance, no-one else can sing your song, no-one else can write your story. Who you are, what you do, begins right now!”
” I think that hope is something as a society that we’re deprived of in many ways, and we come from a society that really breathes life into fear-based thinking.
And so when you think possibility, and creation, and that I can drive my future, all of a sudden people have to say wait, whoa, whoa, we can’t do quite that because we’re so used to being driven, we’re so used to being told how we can think.
The Secret breeds hope, and what I do know is that in Proverbs it says ‘ As a man thinketh he is ‘, and in Matthew it says ‘ if you ask and believe in your prayers then you will receive it.’
It is one with the basis for what God has planned for us, that we have the right to live an abundant life, that’s non-negotiable. That’s a fact, now if we choose to have that life, that’s on us.”
If you’re at a restaurant and your order something, you fully expect it to come, swerved that way.
That’s how the universe works, you’re putting out orders, consciously and unconsciously.
Expect it to come back, if you’re saying ‘ I’ll never have a great relationship,’ you just placed an order.
I believe that when we choose to live a life of abundance, joy, peace, happiness, then that feels much better than if we choose to live a life in scarcity. “ – Lisa Nichols
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- Loving Kindness Meditation
- Law of Attraction Meditation
- Discovering Your Worthiness, A Free Guided Meditation
- The More You Visualize
- Creative Visualization
- Train Your Mind With Guided Meditation
- What Are You Willing To Do ?
- How Abundant People Think
- Change Your Life With TWO Simple Words
- Taking Your Abundance To The Next Level