We all feel it to some degree every day.
Whether it’s worrying about ourselves, work, career, family or friends.
Some would even say that a certain amount of worry is good for us, after all it keeps us away from certain dangerous situations.
But if you let worry take a hold of you and dominate your thought patterns it can become quite a negative and stressful situation very quickly.
On this short training, The Secret’s John Assaraf explains why you should stop worrying and focus instead only on that which you can control with a quick innercise that you can do to overcome your worry.
Why spiritually + science = wealth and success (new free training)
Give us 60 Minutes and We’ll Show You How Combining Spirituality and Self-Image with Science Leads to Greater Wealth and Success.
Check out this all new Masterclass hosted by The Secret’s John Assaraf.
It’s 100% free and the best part about this training is that it’s “on-demand” so you can watch it right now or choose a time in the next two days.