Do you ever feel like you have limiting beliefs that you know are holding you back but don’t know what to do about them ?
In this video exercise from The Secret’s John Assaraf, another of his awesome Innercise series he explains how beliefs are simply old memories and learned patterns in our brain that cause us to react in the same ways time and time again.
He shows how to engage the part of your brain that does not react automatically to situations but rather engages new and fresh creativity to help you begin a new chapter and turn a new page in your life.
Why spiritually + science = wealth and success (new free training)
Give us 60 Minutes and We’ll Show You How Combining Spirituality and Self-Image with Science Leads to Greater Wealth and Success.
Check out this all new Masterclass hosted by The Secret’s John Assaraf.
It’s 100% free and the best part about this training is that it’s “on-demand” so you can watch it right now or choose a time in the next two days.