Let Go

“Let go of everything that you can’t do anything about, which is just about everything.

Let go of it and let your natural life cause you to ask, and then spend one hundred percent of your diligence making sure that you are pointed downstream.

And it is our promise to you, that you will live happily ever after.

And you will be a bright shining light for everyone who crosses your path, and you will rendezvous with those who are ready to hear your story.

And what will your story be?

“Life is good. Life is supposed to be fun.

And we are promised well being, and everything I want is downstream.

And nothing that I want is upstream.

And when I feel good I am in alignment with who I am and when I am in alignment with who I am, I’m living the fullness of Who I Am right now.

I’m fulfilling my greatest of promises to me.

I am letting me be me.”

– Abraham Hicks


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