“Where you are is alright because it’s the beginning of where you’re going.
And no matter how uncomfortable where you are is, it has caused you to broadcast a vibrational pathway that will absolutely unfold for you if you will stop doing that thing you do that keeps you off that path.
And that one thing you do that keeps you off that path, is looking at what is instead of at that path.” – Abraham Hicks 🌏 ❤️ 💫 🙏
Check out the powerful quick video below from our favourite law of attraction teachers ” The Secret To On The Spot Manifestation.” ✅
We have a tendency when it comes to our manifestations to think…..
“Oh I asked for a million dollars and it’s not here yet so I must not be manifesting properly.
I asked for a mansion and it’s not here yet so I must not be manifesting.
I asked for a Porsche and it’s not here yet so I must not be manifesting.”
But manifestations are happening around us all the time, it’s just that we are not recognising them.
Check out this quick quiz from our friend Mary Lee at Manifestation 3.0
She believes that there are 3 levels of manifestational ability and that must of the human race is currently stuck at levels 1 & 2.
And most importantly she believes that this is something that occurs subconsciously and can actually be fixed effortlessly while you sleep.
*Image by kanenori on Pixabay*