A Little Trick

“And so what your work is, is to bring yourself to the place of what you are wanting and what you are expecting going in the same direction. And the fastest way that we know of getting your belief to go where your desire is, is to look for reasons to feel good.

 When you say you can’t do something, your Inner Being doesn’t agree, and you don’t feel good.

But if you say, “I’m going to look for reasons to feel good,” you will literally be inspired to remember the things you did, and that will boost your sense of believing until soon there will be nothing that you want that you don’t believe you can have.

You will reach the place where you will say, “I want it therefore it is.” In other words, you are coming to the place – we see you nearly there – you are coming to the place where you will never again say, “I can’t.”

We’ll tell you a little trick that will work very well for you …

Every time you are considering doing something , stop and say, “I want to feel good, how does this fit in with that?”

Every time you are thinking about calling someone, say, “I want to feel good, how does this fit in with that?”

Every time you are thinking about something, ask yourself, “I want to feel good, how does this fit in with that?”

Every time you are thinking about saying something, stop for a moment and ask yourself, “I want to feel good. How will these words affect my feeling of feeling good?”

And what you will discover is there are many things that you are moving forward in out of habit that are not in harmony with your wanting to feel good, and that is what is causing negative attraction.

It’s not because you’re bad, it’s not because you’re stupid, it’s not because you don’t know better, it’s because you’re thinking thoughts that don’t harmonize with what makes you feel good. It is as simple as that.”

 – Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌎 ❤️ 💫 


P.S. Have you checked out this video from our friend and Harvard psychologist Marion Neubronner on how to get clear on asking the Universe for exactly what you want yet ?

Marion is known for being the Harvard Psychologist that peak performers come to when they desperately need to put their manifestations on steroids.

She’s trained Olympic Athletes who were secretly scared their winning streak was about to end.

Fortune 500 CEO’s who are facing crushing pressure from shareholders.

And Air Force Pilots who need to keep top marks if they want to keep their competitive spots.

And it’s all thanks to her unique 3 step formula to be unapologetic about what you want, uncover the awesome amazingness of you that already exists, and set yourself up for what she calls miracle manifesting.

Check it out here  



*Image by Jakub  Kopczynski on Pixabay*


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