We Want You To Remember

“We want you to remember most of all … The contrast, no matter how it looks in any moment, is contributing mightily to your expansion. And the thing that you call things going wrong in your life experience are actually only the distance between the things that are so right and your current perspective about … Read more

Your Inner Being Is With You

“If you would deliberately offer thought, and then deliberately feel how that thought feels, so that you show yourself presence or absence, presence or absence of that vibration, then you would discover that when you are thinking about not enough dollars, that you are experiencing the absence not only of your Inner Being, but the … Read more

The Vibrations You Are Offering

“The fact that the Law of Attraction remains constant and stable throughout the Universe was a big factor in your confidence as you came into your new physical environment, for you knew that the feedback of life would help you to remember and gain your footing. You remembered that the basis of everything is vibration … Read more