17 Seconds of Thought

“17 seconds of pure thought is equivalent to 2000 hours of action.

If you are working a regular 40 hour a week job, that is about what you work in a year.

17 seconds equals 2000 action hours.

If you can cross the 34 second mark, you can multiply your action by ten, 20.000 action hours.

If you can cross the 51 second mark 3 times 17 you can multiply by ten again, a 200.000 action hour equivalent.

If you can cross the 68 second mark – now that is just over a minute of pure con-contradicted, non-diluted thought it is equivalent to over 2 million action hours.

When you cross the 68 second mark, you have a combustion big enough to affect physical manifestation.” Abraham Hicks  🌏  ❤️ 💫  🙏 

All of the great thinkers in history were aware of the extraordinary power of the human mind.

Einstein… Tesla… even Nostradamus.

They all knew something… something about the nature of reality, and the human minds amazing power to influence it.

The key EVERYONE possesses to unlock the ability to manifest anything you wish, simply by “retuning” your mind.

Check out the video showing the 60 second Ultra Manifestation Process that will kick start the alignment of your subconscious with the most powerful law of the universe…

It might just change the way you look at the law of attraction, personal development and manifestation forever ✅

Watch the video here




*Image by Pexels on Pixabay*





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