Increase Your Happiness First

“Just stay happily optimistic! That´s ALL you “have to do”. That´s all.

Just stay happily optimistic. And say things to the Universe as…

“Bring it whenever I´m ready for it! And I´ll do my best to get ready for it, as quickly as I can.

But meanwhile, I´ll have a REALLY GOOD TIME! 

I´m satisfied where I am, and eager for more.”

THAT is the best vibrational stance!!

“I´m loving where I am, and I´m SO eager for what´s coming next!

I LOVE where I am, and so EAGER for what´s coming next!”

Focus on what is working in your life, and then, this 1 thing that is working will blossom into EVERYTHING that is working!

All day, every day, count your blessings!

All day, every day, make your lists of things you appreciate.

And as you keep activating what is working in your life, then more pleasing things on all subjects will flow to you.” – Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌎 ❤️ 💫 

Sometimes we get so lost in “visualizing” and imagining things as we want them to be that we forget what the real work is on our law of attraction journey.

We forget that it’s an emotional journey.

That the work is to generate the feelings and emotions that we want.

Simply to feel good.

As simple as it sounds, our really work is just to feel good…now.

We often feel that when the lover comes, the car is in the garage, the money is in the bank….then we can feel happy.

But that’s not how it works.

Check out this video from our friend Alvin at The Amazing You.

In it he will tell you about his meeting with Marion Neubronner, a Harvard trained psychologist who discovered that happiness does not come as a result of success – it’s just the opposite.

That the world’s most successful, top performers counter intuitive secret was – They increased their happiness first !

Check it out here






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