“The universe, God, and source, are giving you signs when your life is about to change and it is also giving you sign posts that you are on the right path.” – Croix Sather
You may remember our friend Croix from the news ….
The media calls him, “Marathon Man” for going from a non-runner to a 2,621 mile run across America, joining the ranks of the most elite ultra-runners in the world.
For 100 consecutive days, he ran a marathon distance each day.
Plus each morning before he ran his marathon, he gave an inspirational keynote speech to audiences in challenge, like addiction recovery centers, homeless shelters, and ‘Hope for the Warriors’.
He is the only person in the world to run 100 marathons plus give 100 keynote speeches in the same 100 consecutive days.
He has authored five books, hosted a radio show, and has appeared in hundreds of television, radio, and newspaper articles.
Today, Croix travels the world as a professional speaker on life transformation, and a psychology of success expert.
His programs include, Bulletproof Mind, Dream Big Act Big, Business Champion, and Dream Big Life.
In addition to speaking for Fortune 100 corporations and world class organizations, he has spoken on the prestigious stages of TEDx in NYC, TEDx Las Vegas, and he’s been on most every news media sharing his story and strategies for super achievement.
As Croix puts it….
“The universe, God, and source, are giving you signs when your life is about to change and it is also giving you sign posts that you are on the right path.
I like to go hiking.
Mountain paths are marked so that it is clear which direction I need to go to reach the mountain peak.
But if you don’t know what the signs look like, and if you are not paying attention, you can wander forever not knowing where you are going.
Sometimes the trail signs are great big arrows that you cannot miss.
Most often trail signs are just little marks on a tree and are very easy to miss if you do not know what to look for.
Once you know to look for the little red or white mark on the tree, it is easy to stay the course and reach your goal to the mountain top.
Most people are not paying attention to the signs in their life or they don’t know what the signs look like, and so they wander endlessly feeling lost and frustrated.
When all you have to do is to tune in to the signs that the universe is giving you and you’ll know you are going in the right direction.
Once you know the signs, all of a sudden they are everywhere.”
When you are tapped in and tuned in, you and the universe align and all of a sudden you see signs everywhere that you are on the right life path and good things are on their way.
Just like the signs on the trail.
Your third mind, aka your Vibrational Mind, is the level of the mind that receives these messages and signs from the universe.
As Croix says “ The Vibrational Mind is what bridges you to Universal Consciousness.
It is where the real magic happens.
If the conscious mind is the top of the iceberg, and the SUB-conscious mind is the iceberg below the water, then the water is the Vibrational Mind.
This is what bridges you to everything, the universal connection and consciousness.”
This is the particle matter they talk about in quantum physics that we are all made of.
Every particle can effect every other particle.
Quantum physics tells us that the same thing happens with the smallest sub-atomic particles.
Everything is made from sub-atomic particles.
Meaning, if you change the vibration of your mind, you can affect everything related to the thought.
It’s not just conscious and SUB-conscious within the mind, but the vibration that changes the water around the iceberg.
This is the work that Croix now does with his private clients.
“By listening to specific sounds and reading a script that I created myself you can reprogram your mind at all three levels, to align with your true path. It’s the result of decades of my own research, coaching, testing and refining.
Croix has put together a new program to take the work he does with his private clients and make it accessible to anyone from the comfort of their own home ( or on the go ), to help you find your purpose and live your big dream.
In this video Croix will show you how to access the Vibrational Mind and how to align all three levels to, as he says “Turn your mind into an instant manifestation magnet.”