You Are Just A Few Laughs Away

“We make too much of all of this.

Life is supposed to be fun.

Lighten up.

Find more humour in more things.

But most of all, do not be so hard on yourself about where you are in relationship to where you want to be.

Make peace with where you are.

Play down anything and play up anything positive.

We would like to leave you with this very clear knowing that we hold.

“You are just a few laughs away from letting a lot of good stuff in.

You are just a few kisses away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.

You are just a little bit of relief away from letting a whole lot of good stuff in.

It’s really worth dealing with how you feel.

Your well-being depends on it.”   –  Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌏 ❤️ 💫 

Check out the awesome video below from our favourite law of attraction teachers “You Are Just A Few Laughs Away From Letting A Whole Lot Of Good Stuff In.” 

What if just getting happy NOW was actually the key to attracting everything we want in our lives ?

Check out the video from our friend David at The Happiness Code.

It shows how Harvard researchers discovered a magnetic polarity in our brains that can be programmed and tuned to generate the happy thoughts, feelings and emotions that will “magnetize” the things and experiences we really want in our lives to us.

And how a simple morning ritual is all it takes.

Watch the video here ✅





*Image by Ryan_Mcguire on Pixabay*



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