You Came For Happiness

“If you could get hooked on that sweet spot, that feeling of your desire in the process of becoming.

Even  before it’s had that last bump into manifestation.

If you could love it in the becoming then the satisfaction that you’re going to feel when it becomes is going to knock your socks off.

Not only that.

Not only are you going to have so much more satisfaction as it unfolds, as it makes that last movement into where you can see it and hear it, and smell it, and taste it, and touch it.

But all the way along the way, even before it was visible to you , you still felt the joy of it’s becoming.

THAT is our desire for you.

Because you are, we all are, but we’re talking to YOU. You are are always going to be in a state of “On your way to the manifestation of something more.”

We want you to be joyously romping, full force towards the things that you want.

You are an extension of source energy and source energy is flowing to you and through you at all times.

And when you are allowing it you are at your optimum feeling of happiness.

And you came here, not to get stuff done, you came here for happiness.”

Abraham Hicks   ❤️  

Check out the powerful rampage below from our favourite law of attraction teachers 

P.S. Have you checked out the video from our friend David at The Happiness Code yet ?

It shows how Harvard researchers discovered a magnetic polarity in our brains that can be programmed and tuned to generate the thoughts, feelings and emotions that will “magnetize” the things and experiences we really want in our lives to us.

And how a simple morning ritual is all it takes.

Watch the video here ✅



 *Image for free by StockSnap on Pixabay*





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