Your Plan

“You are meant to live an expansive, exhilarating, good-feeling experience.

It was your plan when you made the decision to become focused in your physical body in this time-space reality.

You expected this physical life to be exciting and rewarding.

In other words, you knew that the variety and contrast would stimulate you to expanded desires, and you also knew that any and all of those desires could be fully and easily realized by you.

You knew, also, that there would be no end to the expansion of new desires.

You came into your body full of excitement about the possibilities that this life experience would inspire, and that desire that you held in the beginning was not muted at all by trepidation or doubt, for you knew your power and you knew that this life experience and all of its contrast would be the fertile ground for wonderful expansion. 

Most of all, you knew that you were coming into this life experience with a Guidance System to help you remain true to your original intent as well as to your never ending amended intentions that would be born out of this very life experience.

In short, you felt an eagerness for this time-space reality that nearly defies physical description.

You were not a beginner—even though you were newly beginning in your wee, small physical body—but instead you were a powerful creative genius, newly focusing in a new, Leading Edge environment.”

  – Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌏 ❤️ 💫 


P.S. Have you checked out the video from our friend Dave Sanderson and his 60 second Ultra Manifestation Process yet ?

Dave will show you his 1 minute manifestation on steroids process that will kick start the alignment of your subconscious with the most powerful hidden law of the universe…

It might just change the way you look at the law of attraction, personal development and manifestation forever….

Click here to watch the video.




*Image by ColdSmiling on Pixabay*

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