“The attraction of money has nothing to do with your ability to earn it. It has only to do with your wanting and believing of your worthiness to receive it.
You don’t even have to talk about prosperity. You just have to stop talking about lack of it.” – Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌏 ❤️ 💫
I’m sure you’ve heard the often repeated statistic that humans only use about 8% of their DNA?
Well this is something pretty cool.
In this short video, you’ll find out why NASA scientists believe that little-known fact is the key to prosperity and abundance.
This is one of those that might be a bit “out there” but as you probably know we like that sort of stuff here lol.
You’re about to discover how you can activate and balance your Spiritual DNA using a special, science-based technique and some secret NASA experiments that confirm ancient 500 BC chakra teachings.
Check it out and decide for yourself.
*Image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay*