Pick A Mood

“What you want to do as deliberate creators is accept that today you’re new at the fair.

And you can pick a mood that will yield you results from this environment in which you stand.

Just start asking the environment in which you stand to show you the results that represent the vibrational frequency that you’re offering.

And then just pay attention to what happens in the grocery store.

Pay attention, even to the clarity of your own mind when you’re alone.

Or pay attention to who gathers round you in traffic and on and on and on …….

Just start noticing what gathers around you.

And then begin saying ….

“It gathered in perfect vibrational replication of my mood.”

It’s time for you to stop justifying and defending and explaining and we want you to realise that that’s not where you really want to get people to meet you in agreement.”

– Abraham Hicks 🙏🌎❤️💫✅ 

Is it possible to just change the way you feel, on – demand ?

Think about your life right now…

–> You skip the gym because you don’t have the energy.

–> You deliver work late, because you don’t have enough focus.

–> You cancel on the party, because you don’t feel in the mood.

–> You stare for hours at the ceiling, because you can’t sleep.

These things happen to us all, every day. We usually just wait for a few hours (or days) and try again.

But CONSIDER this for a second…

What if you could CONTROL your state of mind?

What if you could change the way you feel, literally on-demand?

You’d no longer feel stuck. You could instantly flick between desired states of mind, as you wish.

All the struggles of being in the right “zone” or mood would disappear.

Well our friends at Brainwave Shots have come up with something pretty cool, and you can try it for free.

A quick, powerful shot in whichever area of your life you’d like some improvement in right now.

They use special brainwave sounds to help change how you feel, all within just minutes.

Just listen to the audio and you’re done.

It’s amazing, because they ACTUALLY work — and they’re backed by well over 100 years of science.

Click HERE to get your FREE shot now.



*Image by MF Gallery on Pixabay*

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