Pick The Easy Things

“Law of attraction 101.

Don’t you love knowing that you can pick any easy subject and get ready for the one that matters the most ?

Don’t you love knowing that you could think about the easiest thing in the whole world that makes you happy and that’s all the work you’ve got to do to get ready for everything that you want.

Everything that life has shown you that you want.

This is the nugget that you’re looking for.

The key is to think about it.

To focus on it.

To don’t think contradictory thoughts about it.

And watch the Universe yield it.

This is just law of attraction 101.

Want it generally.

And then let the desire for it gather momentum.

And once this gets rolling you’ll never ever again doubt that you can have anything that you want.”

– Abraham Hicks   ❤️  

Check out the awesome quick video below from our favourite law of attraction teachers ✅

P.S Have you checked out the video from our friends at Sacred Sound Healing ?

It will introduce you to their powerful “sound of creation” technology to instantly raise your vibration to match the things you desire.

Check it out here.




*Image by llo on Pixabay*





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