Success Is Natural To You

“You don’t have to work at being in the high vibration that is natural to you, because- it is natural to you.

But you do have to stop holding the thoughts that cause you to lower your vibration.

It’s a matter of no longer giving your attention to things that don’t allow your cork to float, or don’t allow you to vibrate in harmony with who you really are.

The analogy that we offer to you about the cork floating, or about you holding it under the water, is the most poignant, practical vision that we could give you.

Because it speaks more clearly than anything we have offered to help you to understand that it is natural for you to soar.

It is natural for you to find success.
It is natural for you to feel joy.
It is natural for you to feel passion.
It is natural for you to live success.

It is unnatural for you to feel discomfort.
It is unnatural for you to feel guilt.
It is unnatural for you to feel fear.
It is unnatural for you to feel failure.
It is unnatural for you to feel not worthy.”   Abraham Hicks 🌏 ❤️ 💫  🙏 

Is it possible to manifest the things you want in life while it feels like the world is falling apart ?

Absolutely Yes !!

Check out the video from our friends over at Manifestation Magic.

It contains a message from the Universe that perhaps it’s time to let this be a little easier.



Watch the video here.



*Image by Peter Olexa on Pixabay*


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