Michael Beckwith is one of the leading law of attraction teachers featured in “The Secret”.
He is also an author, minister and founder of the Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, California, where he speaks to a congregation of over 9,000 people on a weekly basis. His LifeVisioning Process focuses on using meditation, scientific prayer and the spiritual benefits of selfless service.
Michael was actually a drug dealer in college until he was arrested and had a spiritual awakening during the trial that changed his life forever.
He has been featured on Oprah and Larry King and his books include: “Inspirations of the Heart”, “Forty Day Mind Fast Soul Feast”, and “A Manifesto of Peace”
Below is a great video featuring Michael: Questions To Ask The Universe To Help Unfold Your Biggest Gifts
Michael is hosting an awesome Mindvalley Academy Masterclass to help you learn the Spiritual Method to align your dreams with your soul’s Ultimate Vision for your Life.
In this 90-minute Masterclass, you will :
- Participate in a powerful guided meditation and affirmative prayer that will allow you to finally accept and love yourself fully — Dr. Michael Beckwith will guide you through one of his most powerful and moving meditations that will uncover parts of yourself buried so deep, you never even knew they existed.
- Experience the clarity and confidence that comes when you fine-tune your soul’s compass to guide you towards the highest vision for your life — finally, you can stop second guessing yourself and being drowned in ‘thought’… instead anchoring yourself in ‘knowing’ through intuition.
- Discover Michael Beckwith’s model of a ‘friendly universe’ where every curve ball life throws your way is an opportunity for expanding your consciousness towards a greater realization of your true Self — you’ll be able to understand, bless and transform any event in your life to catapult yourself toward greater heights of development.
- Understand the Four Stages of Spiritual Development and how to identify where you are today, so you can ascend to new heights of bliss and understanding — by having clarity on where you are on your journey, you’ll be able to get to your next breakthrough even faster.
- Learn the Eight Life Structures that define your human experience, and how to improve each of them with meditation and affirmative prayer so you can experience effortless success in multiple dimensions of your life — this simple framework will let you diagnose which parts of your life are going well, and which need more of your attention to live a balanced, blissful existence.
- Become a more intuitive, compassionate version of yourself and be surrounded by an abundant, energetic field of love that nourishes your soul — you’ll learn a beautiful model of reality that will enrich your life with a vitality and sense of calm that will leave you feeling amazing and blessed every day.
- Learn how to go beyond creative visualization to tap into your soul’s deepest desires and experience genuine spiritual liberation — you’ll finally be able to know your soul’s pure, untainted vision for your life… and move boldly towards it supported by the realization that you are a manifestation of the divine.
Michael Beckwith on The Law of Attraction
Michael is talking about a lady that after many years of feeling that the passion had gone out of her marriage, turned her relationship around after watching “The Secret” and applying some of the law of attraction principles.
As she says, over the years she had cultivated the feeling of“I know he loves me but I don’t think he’s in love with me,” and told herself this story repeatedly.
After watching “The Secret” she began to focus her thoughts differently…
“ Nothing new can come into your life without the field of gratitude, and what they’re an example of is energy flows where attention goes.
When her attention started to notice what she was grateful for, the little things, she started counting the blessings that this man was bringing into the home, and the energy started flowing in that direction and expanding that whole vibratory field in the home.”
“The Universe has more than enough to give to everybody who asks.
People have a tendency to believe in lack, limitation and scarcity, they may say ‘ I want a beautiful life, I want a magnificent life full of love and harmony and prosperity but underneath there’s a belief in scarcity.
We live in a multi-dimensional universe, everything is energy, energy is never destroyed, never created, and it becomes exactly what you put your attention on and there’s enough for everyone.
So with that awareness, it eliminates competition, it eliminates stealing, people plundering other people’s stuff, it eliminates jealousy, envy, greed because there’s enough on this planet for every single being.”
Excellent mediation! I learned the very thing I despise doing is the catalyst to my purpose. Now I have to be obedient and do it.