You Came To Thrive

Say ….

“I came to live it, I came to be it, I came because I am it.

And I came to live some diminishment in order to know that diminishment is not my path.

I came to thrive, to teach through the clarity of my own example.

I didn’t come to cower, and suffer and join the ranks of those who don’t know.

I came to thrive and prosper and be among the ranks of those that do know.

I came to test the boundaries of the Universe.

I came to ask non physical energy to flow in the direction of what I choose.

That’s how worthy I know myself to be.

You are here for satisfaction.

That’s why all the contrast exists.

It’s why the new ideas are born.

That’s why the energy flows.

That’s how the Universe expands.

If it were not for your ability to compare and decide and desire, there would be nothing new that is moving and all would cease to be.

You must continue to expand, it is your birth right, it is your responsibility, it is what you were born for.

And that is why those other thoughts feel so screwy. Because they are.”

 – Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌎 ❤️ 💫 

Check out the powerful quick video below from our favourite law of attraction teachers  

P.S. Imagine being able to slip on a pair of headphones and have your frequency and vibration automatically and effortlessly raised to match abundance and prosperity.

Whilst subliminally implanting your subconscious with powerful new beliefs that allow the things you really want in your life to be drawn to you……

Watch this video from our friends at Manifestation Magic.

It contains a message from the Universe that maybe it’s time for you to let this be a little easier ✅

The video will introduce you to what he calls the ultimate manifestation tool.

A tool that can raise your vibration to match the frequency of wealth and success in all areas of your life.

👉 Go here to watch the video

Just click play and the powerful theta brainwave technology embedded in the audio relaxes your brain into a state normally achieved only after many long hours of meditation……and opens the door to the deepest levels of your subconscious.

Alex’s Manifestation Magic audio program is designed to clear deeply integrated patterns and allow your frequency to soar … that you become a match to the higher vibrational experiences you desire.

Whilst subliminally implanting your subconscious with powerful new beliefs that allow the things you really want in your life to be drawn to you.

Effortlessly and naturally.

“I’m not worthy”… becomes…. “I’m unique and powerful.”

“I don’t deserve it”… becomes…. “I effortlessly receive.”

“I’m a failure” ….is replaced by “I can accomplish anything.”

Limiting, subconscious beliefs get reprogrammed and vibrational blocks vanish.

That have sometimes been there for a lifetime.

It is a powerful shortcut to raise your vibration.

✅ There are no books to read.

✅ No courses to study.

✅ And no exercises you must practise before you see results.

The audio track does all the work, raising your vibration and clearing away the negative programming thats been holding you back for years.

Creating a powerful gravitational force that draws whatever you desire into your orbit ( what Alex calls “energy orbiting” ).

👉 Watch the video here



*Image by David Mark on Pixabay*





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