Everything Is Focus

“Things are as real as you focus them to be. Everything is as you focus it to be. The power of your mind is so much more than you know!

You are able to focus other than the traditional way. And as you do this, your world and those close to you, are experiencing the influence of this vibrational stance.

This time-space reality is not what you think it is. It is an agreement. And so many of you are agreeing upon so much of it, that as you agree upon it, it becomes… the grid fills in and you have these realities that you confirm with one another are real.

The best combination of all of that is to sift through, put things in your Vortex, know that you like them one by one, do your best all day everyday to line up with the fullness of who you are, feel the power of your grid, be present in your moment, let All That Is be right there with you, and be the brilliant, GENIUS magical, creative person that you are born to be. And don´t try to conform to the mediocre standards of the world who mostly operates from outside the Vortex.” Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌏 ❤️ 💫 


Imagine being able to slip on a pair of headphones and have your frequency and vibration automatically and effortlessly raised to match abundance and prosperity.

Whilst subliminally implanting your subconscious with powerful new beliefs that allow the things you really want in your life to be drawn to you……

Watch this video from our friends at Manifestation Magic.

It contains a message from the Universe that maybe it’s time for you to let this be a little easier ✅



The video will introduce you to what they call the ultimate manifestation tool.

A tool that can raise your vibration to match the frequency of wealth and success in all areas of your life.

👉 Go here to watch the video





*Image Tamas Kauffman on Pixabay*

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