The WHOLE Of You

“When the whole of you is present, not only do you have clarity … which is delicious,

Not only do you have vitality …. which is delicious,

Not only do you feel love and worthiness … which is delicious,

But you are allowing the WHOLE of who you are to be present … which is POWERFUL.

It is intoxicating.


And once you begin experiencing that sort of alignment, where you´re streaming that inspiration on a regular basis….

You will never again be willing to step back into negative commentary, or negative thought, that deprive you of all of these resources.

The leverage of alignment is unfathomable, through your physical terms, in the sense of comparison.

You all have 24 hrs a day- but the effort-factor is SO LIMITED.

When you are counting on your effort to compensate for alignment that you´re not doing … you just cannot make it up with hard work!

There´s just not enough action in the world to compensate for that misalignment of energies.

You can feed the hungry.

You can help the world find it´s balance.

You can be or do or have anything you choose …

But you CAN NOT DO IT from your disconnected, cut-off-from-source-energy perspective!” – Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌏 ❤️ 💫


Have you checked out the video from our friend Croix Sather at Instant Manifestation yet ?

In this video Croix will show you how to access the Universal Vibrational Mind and how to align all three levels to, as he says “Turn your mind into an instant manifestation magnet.” 



Check out the video here




*Image for free on Pixabay*


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