Who Are You ?

“You never said, “I will come forth and go it alone.”

You always said, “I will come forth and allow that which is Source to demonstrate… through me!

I will be Source Energy in physical form. In fact, I will be Me.”

So, who are you? Who are you? Well, we’re going to tell you…

You’re magnificent.
You are genius.
You’re in the right place at the right time.
You’re doing just fine.

And as you work to appreciate and approve of who you are right here, right now, instead of working so hard to compare yourself with every other point of consciousness on the planet, if you will let your variety inspire you to your personal preference or if you will not worry about how anybody else is doing and you will let your dominant desire be to align with you, to align with you, to align with you, to align with you — now you can be a member of this diverse Universe.

Unique in your way,
Magnificent in your unique way,
Complete in your unique way.

And most importantly therefore, happy in your unique way.”   – Abraham Hicks 🙏 🌏 ❤️ 💫

Have you checked out the video from our friend Skye over at Manifestation Magic yet ?

It will introduce you to a powerful reality altering manifestation method known as “Quantum Orbiting.”

What they are calling the ultimate manifestation tool.

It is a powerful shortcut to raise your vibration.

✅ There are no books to read.

✅ No courses to study.

✅ And no exercises you must practise before you see results.

Check it out here 



*Image by Enrique Meseguer on Pixabay*


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