You’ve Done The Work

“The thing that we want you to understand is, through all this sorting and sifting, you have done all the asking.

You have made all the decisions, one at a time, and they’re all in your vortex and they’re all queued up.

You’ve done the work.

Now your work is to play on the beach.

Your work is to release resistance.

Your work is to appreciate and bask and find clarity and look for delicious ease and flow.

In other words, your work is to look for feelings that feel good.

Your work is non-work.

Your work is to relax and release.

Relax and Release, relax and release.

And it is our promise to you that you will find all of those answers.

They are all queued up.

You just gotta get in the Vortex!

You gotta play more. You gotta laugh. You gotta release more. You gotta have more fun. You gotta think less and you gotta meditate more. You gotta bask more.

Don’t make it a thinking game, let it be a feeling game.

Then watch what happens. So much there for you !!!” – Abraham Hicks

P.S. Have you checked out the video yet from our friend Croix Sather on how to tap into the “Vibrational Mind” to help you find your purpose and live your big dream ?

In this video Croix will show you how to access the Vibrational Mind and how to align all three levels to, as he says “Turn your mind into an instant manifestation magnet.” 

Check out the video here



*Image by Carrie Z  on Pixabay*



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