“And so we want you to understand that this is not about effort!
Effort is what you have to apply when there is resistance.
In absence of resistance there is a really big decrease in effort, in absence of struggle.
That’s why so many people coin phrases like, “let go and let God.”
Because when you try to do the work of getting your life on track before you’ve done the work of tuning into who you really are, all that work you do is just spinning, spinning, spinning your wheels and not accomplishing,
And that’s why you need patience.
And that’s why words like faith are annoying, you see.
You should not have to wait very long for everything that you want because when life shows you that you want it, and you’ve practiced the expectation of things going well for you….
It’s going to show right up. It’s going to show right up.” – Abraham Hicks
P.S. Have you watched the free video from our friend Heather Matthews yet ?
What she calls “The Lazy Person’s Secret To The Law of Attraction.”
Her Destiny Tuning Principle is the one thing she believes is the “missing piece” from the law of attraction holding so many people back from manifesting the lives they really want.
Heathers system virtually puts the law of attraction on autopilot allowing you to use the Destiny Tuning Principle (which is explained in the video) to Tune to your natural destiny of prosperity, happiness, love and more.
…Without hard work or struggle.
Click here to watch the video now