“Do you believe us when we say that everything that has been created is about vibration?
We know that’s hard to take, We know that you are so good at moving stuff around with your physical being that you think that THAT is accomplishing.
We want to put a new descriptive or meaning on the word accomplish. We want to say accomplish means:
Let’s accomplish vibrational alignment.
Let’s accomplish vibrational sameness.
Let’s accomplish the closing of the gap.
Let’s accomplish basking in the dream of this vision.
Let’s accomplish feeling good about something already done.
Let’s accomplish happy anticipation in watching the universe bring things into being.
Let’s accomplish a releasing of awareness in how long it’s taking.
Let’s make accomplishing about energy and thought and feeling, and get it out of the realm of activity, action or doing.
Accomplish THAT!
What you want to do is talk about your accomplishment in past tense.
Think about it…..
If your looking for a lover, speak about your lover as someone already attracted, or financial abundance, speak of it as having been accomplished in the way that YOU mean it, in the physical sense – speak of it, until you feel it, and when you feel it, you’ve LINED up with it – and when you line up with it- it comes.” – Abraham Hicks ❤️
Sometimes we get so lost in “visualizing” and imagining things as we want them to be that we forget what the real work is on our law of attraction journey.
We forget that it’s an emotional journey.
That the work is to generate the feelings and emotions that we want.
To raise our own vibrational frequency.
Simply to feel good.
As simple as it sounds, our really work is just to feel good…now.
We often feel that when the lover comes, the car is in the garage, the money is in the bank….then we can feel happy.
But that’s not how it works.
Check out this video from our friend Alvin at The Amazing You.
In it he will tell you about his meeting with Marion Neubronner, a Harvard trained psychologist who discovered that happiness does not come as a result of success – it’s just the opposite.
That the world’s most successful, top performers counter intuitive secret was – They increased their happiness first !
*Image by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay*