Lift Your Limits

“You have been using your limitedness to help you FOCUS! 

It’s as if you say :

“Don´t need to think about all THOSE things- I can only afford THAT. Don´t need to think about all those vacations- I can´t afford to go, anyway. Don´t need to think about investing all that money, I don´t have all that money!”

In other words, the more unlimited you become- and the more factors come into your experience, the more delicious it is, to be someone who has already set into motion some decisions about what you want, you see.

That´s why- if you have been listening to us for a while, you have been hearing us say: If you will think about what you want and why you want it, you will serve yourself extremely well, as your limits begin lifting.

Your self-imposed limits begin lifting!”  – Abraham Hicks


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