When You Appreciate

“If you would spend just a little bit of time over the next few days just making lists of things that you appreciate from right where you stand, you would shore up a grid that would begin to fill in immediately.

But if you do it because you want the grid to fill in rather than because you’re appreciating, then you’re not appreciating.

Then you’re trying to fill the grid in.

And that’s what goes wrong with so many Deliberate Creators.

You’re getting your cart before your horse.

Each time you are appreciating, you bring pure positive Energy into the experience of whatever is the object of your appreciation.

It sounds so simple, but it is POWERFUL in it’s pureness.

You have to keep talking yourself into Alignment.

That’s the work!”

Abraham Hicks   ❤️ ✅


P.S. Have you checked out the video from our friend David at The Happiness Code yet ?

It might just be time to stop putting happiness off until when …

When I’ve moved there.

When I’m in this relationship.

When I’ve got that much.

Remember, you came here for happiness.

No better time than today to start allowing what you deserve.

Watch the video here ✅



 *Image for free by Amore Seymour on Pixabay*





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