“Creation isn’t forcing or commanding something into existence.
It’s more of a rolling over, a good stretch, blissing out, lying on the grass watching the flowers blowing in the breeze or the clouds floating by.
You live in a state of grace.
You forget that when you feel good, only good things can come to you.
It’s just a matter of relaxing, and things will come.
You are, in essence, bringing heaven to earth.” – Abraham Hicks
P.S. Have you watched the free video from our friend Heather Matthews yet ?
What she calls “The Lazy Person’s Secret To The Law of Attraction.”
Her Destiny Tuning Principle is the one thing she believes is the “missing piece” from the law of attraction holding so many people back from manifesting the lives they really want.
Heathers system virtually puts the law of attraction on autopilot allowing you to use the Destiny Tuning Principle (which is explained in the video) to Tune to your natural destiny of prosperity, happiness, love and more.
…Without hard work or struggle.
Click here to watch the video now